The Sound of Climate
Tabitha McGrath
Can we send a message about Climate change through Music? The Sound of Climate is aiming to do just that.
Winner at 2020 Young Audience Music Awards ‘Best Large Ensemble’ category
This visually impressive educational concert, with stunning symphonic repertoire, successfully addressed the question of climate change in a very engaging, interesting and impactful manner. The programme delved into the world of music linked to nature, featuring Vivaldi and Max Richter’s Seasons, and further repertoire from Copland, Respighi, Ketelbey. This project in collaboration with Oslo Philharmonic was premiered at Oslo Konserthuset, with conductor Christian Schumann and David Chocron, Artist Director and Video Producer in January 2020.

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Max Richter: Recomposed
Vivaldi 4 Seasons: Spring 0, Spring 1 and Spring 3 With violin soloist
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6, 3rd movement
Ketélbey: The clock and Dresden figures
Mosolov: The Iron Foundry
Viken: Ripples
Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite: Cloudburst
Haydn: Seasons: Der Winter, Einleitung
Copland: Appalachian Spring
Respighi: Pini di Roma: I Pini del Gianicolo & I Pini della Via Appia
Christian Schumann, conductor
David Chocron, Artist Director and Video Producer
Oslo Philharmonic, orchestra
Leia Zhu, Violin
This symphonic concert (Standard orchestration — reductions can be discussed) includes a powerful and striking Video Art and Direction created by David Chocron projected onto a 200 m² gauze hanging in front of the orchestra- this can be tailored to promoters needs.
The Sound of climate is a project with a relevant social impact and educational outreach bringing music to the core of social responsibility and sustainable practices.
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